Yep, the title is the good old default placeholder for setting up a blog. Why not leave it for my first post? I am going to merge some old content from my Points in Between blog and new content from my readings, ramblings, and random thoughts. To kick things off, my initial post from PiB:
For me there rides a tension between Leadership and Management. I should say between good Leadership and good Management. I am going to go out on a limb and say publicly that while there are many articles on both, and courses on both, and even advanced degrees on both, I have actually seen few real-life illustrations of either in my time on this blue globe. If the reader wants to prove me wrong, then have at it. The point of this blog is to explore why through what I read and encounter. I want to take a look at what the experts say in their idealism and what the poor sucker in the trenches sees on a daily basis played out in their office space. Hopefully, I will inspire a few to be good leaders and good managers and hopefully, I will irritate, rub the wrong way, anger, and incite those who are not. In short, may those who are paying lip service to leadership and management have those lips frozen to a metal signpost in a North Dakota winter. (BTW you get bonus movie and music quotes and references on this blog, a mix of entertainment and engagement)